
3 Things To Be Aware Of When Your Pet Gets Vaccinated


If your dog or cat needs to get vaccinated soon, here are three things that you need to be aware of. #1 Not All Vaccinations Are Essential The first thing that you need to be aware of is that not all vaccinations are essential. There are a number of vaccinations that are elective or based on circumstances, such as if your pet is around other animals or if you live in an area with Lyme dieses.

28 March 2017

3 Hazards For Your New Dog That Are Hidden Around Your Home


Are you thinking about getting a new puppy? Will this be the first puppy that you've ever owned? If you've never owned a dog, you may not realize all of the work that goes into having a canine companion. With dogs, especially young dogs, they can have a habit of getting into things that can harm them. Unfortunately, not everything that can harm a dog is instantly obvious if you've never had one before.

28 March 2017

Should You Take Your Dog the Emergency Vet for Vomiting?


When you are a caring and concerned pet parent, you do not want to ever see your dog suffer or feel ill. This includes instances where they have stomach upset and experience vomiting. However, you may find yourself in a situation in which your regular veterinarian's office is not open, either because it is a weekend, late at night, or a holiday. As such, you are left trying to decide if the vomiting and other symptoms are severe enough or problematic enough to take them to the emergency vet clinic or if you can wait it out.

27 March 2017

3 Tips That Will Help You Assist Your Dog With The Orthopedic Surgery Recovery Process


If your dog has to go in for orthopedic surgery, for example, to repair an issue with their knees or to address a torn muscle, you are integral to your dog's recovery process. Here are three different ways that you can assist your dog with their recovery process in addition to following all of your vet's recovery instructions. #1 Bring At Least Two People To Pick Up Your Dog Do not go and pick up your dog alone if at all possible.

24 March 2017

Game On: Using Puzzle Toys To Help Your Indoor Cat Shed Weight


According to the Association for Pet Obesity Prevention, 59 percent of America's feline family members are overweight or obese, and that number has been steadily rising in recent years. While indoor cats are spared such threats as contracting certain diseases and parasites, being injured or killed by moving vehicles or being poisoned, they are at increased risk for becoming overweight. Find out why your indoor furry friend is more likely to pack on extra pounds and how turning your kitty into a feline gamer can help to prevent obesity.

24 March 2017

Your Cat Has Diabetes: Now What?


It's hard when a person has diabetes and must inject insulin and watch their blood sugar levels, but dealing with a cat's diabetes can be difficult too. Once your vet has diagnosed your cat's illness and taught you how to treat it with monitoring and injections, there are still other things you should be doing to make the situation better. These three pointers can help. Have Additional Medication and Supplies Ready

24 March 2017

Funding Pet Medical Expenses: 3 Ideas You May Not Have Thought Of


If you own pets, there is no doubt that at some point, you are going to have to spend a large amount of money on their care. It may need a surgical procedure, a series of expensive medications, or even expensive boarding fees if you have to suddenly leave town. It is important to have money on hand to pay for these expenses, but they do often come up suddenly. The following are some things you can do ahead of time or at the time of need that can help you offset your costs.

27 May 2016

That's Some Funky Doggy Breath! 3 Steps To Care For Your Dog's Teeth


If your dog's breath has started smelling a bit funky, it might be time for some dental care. Like humans, poor dental hygiene in dogs can lead to cavities, gum disease and halitosis – bad breath. To provide proper dental hygiene, you should take your dog to the veterinarian at least twice a year for a thorough cleaning. In addition, here are some steps you can take at home to protect your dog's teeth and keep the bad breath at bay.

27 May 2016

4 Best Options For Keeping Ticks Off Your Dog This Summer


Summer season in most parts of the country also means that it is tick season. Although your dog can pick up ticks any time of the year, ticks thrive in warm weather. Ticks can spread many different diseases to your dog, which is why you want to try your best to keep ticks off your dog in the first place. Here are your four best options for keeping ticks off your dogs this summer and throughout the year.

31 July 2015