3 Hazards For Your New Dog That Are Hidden Around Your Home


Are you thinking about getting a new puppy? Will this be the first puppy that you've ever owned? If you've never owned a dog, you may not realize all of the work that goes into having a canine companion. With dogs, especially young dogs, they can have a habit of getting into things that can harm them. Unfortunately, not everything that can harm a dog is instantly obvious if you've never had one before. Here are some things to look for or to remove in your home before you bring your new dog home.

Electrical cords: As you probably already know, young puppies have a tendency to chew on just about everything. Electrical cords can have a particularly tempting texture and are just the right size to fit comfortably in a puppy's mouth. If the cord happens to be plugged in when the puppy is chewing on it, he or she can wind up with severe electrical internal electrical burns which will necessitate treatment by a veterinarian. To prevent this from happening, put as many electrical cords out of reach of your puppy as possible. You can also try rubbing something with a bad taste on the cord, such as spicy hot sauce or citrus oil, but since not all dogs dislike these tastes, you'll still have to keep an eye on him or her to make sure that the cords aren't being chewed on.

Houseplants: Although cats may be more well-known for their destruction of houseplants, puppies can also enthusiastically destroy them. Not only is the soil fun to dig in but they may also enjoy chewing on the plant itself. Many popular houseplants, including various lilies; carnations; tulips; and sacred bamboo, can be toxic if chewed on or ingested by a dog. Poisoning symptoms can be mild or severe, depending on a variety of factors. Your veterinarian may need to pump your dog's stomach or to administer other treatment if your dog eats or chews on any toxic plant.

Bones: The old cliche of a dog sitting by a fire and gnawing on an old bone can, unfortunately, be a dangerous image. While there is some debate on whether or not you can safely feed raw bones to your dogs, your veterinarian will tell you that cooked bones should be avoided entirely. Cooked bones can shatter into many needle-sharp pieces that can pierce your dog's digestive system. Should this happen, your dog will need to be taken in for emergency surgery to have the pieces removed. Keep all cooked bones, especially poultry bones, away from your dog in order to prevent injury.

For more information, talk to a professional like Seattle Emergency Veterinary Hospital.


28 March 2017

Talking About Vet Services

Hello, I’m Manuel. I would like to discuss the various services offered by veterinarians. Animals are creatures that do not always clearly convey when they are sick or in pain. Regular vet visits can ensure your pets are not quietly suffering from a medical condition without showing signs of a problem. Vets check the pet’s vitals and check for subtle signs of a problem to determine if additional diagnostic tests are required. I will explore the diagnostic process vets use for each health condition or injury. My site will also cover information about common treatments used for pets. Please visit again soon.