Seven Tips To Help Your Senior Cat Live Longer


If you have a cat, help them to live a longer, healthier life. These are simple suggestions that can make a difference in your cat's overall well-being and quality of life. Talk to your veterinarian about specific risks and preventatives to ward off illness and disease.

Seven things that you can do for your senior cat are:

Ask about acupuncture. Veterinary acupuncture treatments can make your pet less stressed, and their behavior will gradually change. Many owners report that their cat has more energy and acts younger after acupuncture—ask your vet about this holistic treatment to improve your cat's quality of life!

Move their dish. Do your cat a favor and move their dish so that it is accessible without your pet needing to jump or climb. An overweight cat can benefit from a dish that takes some effort to reach, but a senior cat may avoid doing this or risk injury when trying to reach out-of-the-way dishes and bowls.

Create quiet nooks. Create cozy spaces where your cat can hide and give them a quiet place to be. Set up pillows, laundry baskets, and even recycled drawers as pet-beds, filling them with favorite blankets, towels, and toys.

Keep things calm. Try to keep stimuli down for your senior cat, even if this means closing doors to lower noise. Cats can experience anxiety amid chaos, and many may try to flee the situation. Don't risk your cat getting lost, disoriented, or anxious; keep things calm around your senior cat.

Watch their weight. There are many reasons to watch your pet's weight, particularly when they get older. Cats are more at risk for illness and disease when they are heavy, and this can also impact their mood and personality. Some may be more sluggish or isolative; give your pet a high-protein diet and keep an eye on treats when trying to control your cat's weight.

Pay attention to joint-pain. As your cat gets older, it is important to protect their joints. Ask your vet about supplements that can reduce discomfort and inflammation of sore and achy joints. This will also help your cat's mobility as they become older.

Brush their teeth. Pay attention to your pet's teeth and oral hygiene; brush their teeth! This will not be welcomed by an older cat that has never experienced brushing but should be implemented early to foster a habit that they will tolerate. Make sure to have your vet check and assess your cat's teeth for signs of decay, deterioration, or infection.

These seven simple suggestions can make everyday life easier for an older cat and prevent causes for illness and discomfort as they age. Use these tips to improve your senior cat's life, and talk to a veterinarian at a clinic like 1st Pet Veterinary Centers about other ways to maintain health and well-being as your pet ages. 


4 April 2017

Talking About Vet Services

Hello, I’m Manuel. I would like to discuss the various services offered by veterinarians. Animals are creatures that do not always clearly convey when they are sick or in pain. Regular vet visits can ensure your pets are not quietly suffering from a medical condition without showing signs of a problem. Vets check the pet’s vitals and check for subtle signs of a problem to determine if additional diagnostic tests are required. I will explore the diagnostic process vets use for each health condition or injury. My site will also cover information about common treatments used for pets. Please visit again soon.